Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pie for Mikey

As you know, my blogging career launched very recently so I'm still figuring out the who is who and the what is what of blogging, twitting, facebooking, RSSing, and whichever more social media verbs have been invented in the last two years.
Friday morning, while I was trying to tweet about my new post, I realized that a lot of the people (or Tweets?) I follow were tweeting "peanut butter pie" and "Mikey." I had no idea what was going on.
After clicking and clicking a bit more I realized that Jennie Perillo, a food blogger, a chef, a mom of two children and a New Yorker lost her husband to a sudden heart attack. Her blogosphere request: for everyone who could, to bake her deceased husband's (Mikey) favorite pie: creamy peanut butter and to offer it to the people we love to show them our appreciation for them and for the moment.
I don't personally know Jennifer, but I'm extremely sorry and shocked for her loss. It just got me to think how lucky I am despite every single problem I complain about, and how much my family and my friends mean to me and how thankful I am for having them in my life.

I couldn't post on Friday, although the pie did make it on time for Shabbat dinner's dessert. As we enjoyed the rich bites, and discussed how it did taste like peanut butter, while not having any, I just felt incredibly thankful for being able to be there with my family and some beloved friends.
I don't use peanuts at Three Tablespoons, but here's my Sunflower Seed Butter version for the pie.
I just hope Jennifer can find some solace in the amazing response of the cybercommunity, who is hugging her and honoring Mikey through his favorite sweet.

  • Vegan
  • Gluten, soy, dairy, nut, egg and wheat free
Super ingredients: Sunflower seeds, bittersweet chocolate



1/2 cup (5 oz) unsweetened sunflower seed butter (Sunbutter brand, organic)
3 tbsp pure maple syrup

3 tbsp sucanat
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil or expeller pressed grape seed oil
3/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
¾ cup (3oz) whole oat flour (use gluten free oat flour if needed)
1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp fine sea salt

12 oz bittersweet chocolate (plus a bit more, shaved for garnish)
1/2 cup coconut milk beverage (I used So Delicious brand, unsweetened), plus a couple of tablespoons
3/4 cup (7.5 oz) raw sunflower seeds
1/2 cup (5 oz) unsweetened sunflower seed butter (Sunbutter brand, organic)
2 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 cup pure maple syrup


Preheat oven to 350 F. In a bowl, mix with a spatula the sunbutter, maple syrup, sucanat, oil and vanilla. Once incorporated, whisk in flour, baking soda and salt. Knead into a ball and place crust in between two large pieces of plastic wrap. Press into a disc and then roll out from the center out.
Turn the dough 45 degrees, remove plastic and place again (to prevent it from sticking) and repeat rolling and turning until it forms a circle that is large enough to cover an 9-inch pie mold bottom, sides and has about 2-inch overhang.
To transfer dough onto the pan, remove plastic cover, and slip your hand under the bottom plastic. Use the wrap to lift dough on top of pan. Carefully turn plastic wrap over and let the dough into the pan.
Crimp the edge of the crust or just cut excess overhang and prick all over with the dents of a fork.
Bake for about 15 minutes. Prepare the filling while crust bakes and cools to room temperature.

On a double boiler, melt chocolate and coconut milk beverage. While it melts, finely grind sunflower seeds in a food processor. Once seeds are completely pulverized, add sunflower seed butter, vanilla, salt and maple syrup. Once chocolate mixture is completely melted, pour into processor and pulse until it incorporates completely with sunflower seed mix. Add a bit more coconut milk if batter is too hard (it will be thick).
Pour over cooled crust and spread evenly with an offset spatula. Top with shaved chocolate and refrigerate or freeze. It can be served refrigerated, or as a frozen pie straight off the freezer

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